Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

mata panda is panda eyes

me and my husband sooooo mata panda these days... why?? because our son usually wake up in late at night.. we did pujuk2 him until we got stress but he still insomnia.. then we put him into the baby cradle but he was yelling and crying out loud..

so we have no choice anymore than we have to patiently layan him until he got tired then sleep...

our baby is 1.5 months old... so this is the time for us to feel the tension of having baby and mata panda everyday...


Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

my sonshine

tepatnya tanggal 25 juni 2011 jam 4.16 am aku bersalin seorang baby boy mungil yang comel.. namanya Muhammad Haziq.. yg ngasih nama itu adl ayah Muhamad Nazri dengan persetujuan Dian Ratnasari! hahahaha...

yup! baby haziq lahir dengan berat 2.4kg, panjang 49cm.. mmm.. cukup mungil yah.. hehehehe... sekarang baby haziq dah 1,5 bulan.. berat dia 5kg lebih.. (^^).. itu krn usaha ayah ibunya yg gigih dan sang ibu yang selalu ngasih susu badan every hour!

ya begitulah... akhirnya dirumah ini kami bertiga.. aku, suami and Haziq... welcome Haziq.. we love u sooo muuuuccchh!!